graffiti that says "let's strike" | Photo by <a href= Schwarz</a> on <a href=">Unsplash " data-lazy-src="" />

California Lawmakers Propose Unemployment Benefits for Striking Workers

Plus: GOP hopefuls debate tonight, Canadian link tax backfires, and more...


A farmer is seen planting pumpkins | Photo by <a href= Owen</a> on <a href=">Unsplash " data-lazy-src="" />

Farm Subsidies and Food Stamps Won't Fix High Grocery Prices. Innovation Will.

With government meddling, many farmers end up doing less with more, and people end up paying more for less.


victoria-kubiaki-t0Aio60jD4Q-unsplash | Photo by <a href= Kubiaki</a> on <a href=">Unsplash%22 data-lazy-src="" />

The Great Resignation Shows What Empowered Workers Really Look Like

Unions or minimum wage laws aren't required for workers to shift the balance of power.



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