A group of protestors standing around a table that has a tablecloth reading "Tax the Rich" |  Gina M Randazzo/ZUMAPRESS/Newscom

The Real Tax Gap

Wealthier Americans pay a record share of federal taxes, but voters (and President Joe Biden) believe they're freeloading.


A Swedish flag waving in the wind in front of a sunset. | Photo by <a href=https://reason.com/tag/social-security/Simon Clare</a> on <a href=https://reason.com/tag/social-security/"https://unsplash.com/photos/a-blue-and-yellow-flag-on-a-boat-in-the-water-zx8PwNg2wuI?utm_content=creditCopyText&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=unsplash%22>Unsplash%22 data-lazy-src="https://d2eehagpk5cl65.cloudfront.net/img/c331x186-w331-q60/uploads/2024/01/simon-clare-zx8PwNg2wuI-unsplash-scaled-e1705082993666-331x186.jpg" />

Why America Should Be More Like Sweden (It's Not What You Think!)

Sweden reformed socialistic aspects of its pension system and introduced partial privatization.



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