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Domain Privacy & Protection FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need to make my domain registration information private?
The personal information used to register domains is recorded in the international ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers). Fortunately, new laws are already helping protect your personal information. Domain Privacy + Protection adds an additional layer of privacy.

How does Domain Privacy + Protect protect my personal information?
Domain Privacy + Protect masks any personal information displayed on the ICANN directory with generic contact information. It also protects you from the following:

  1. Spam and other unsolicited emails.
  2. Unwanted phone calls and postal mail.
  3. Identity theft.
  4. Fraudulent domain transfers.
  5. Competitors being able to look up which domains you own.
  6. Malware and SEO blacklists 

How does Malware Scanner work?
Once you enable Domain Privacy Protection, Malware Scanner automatically checks your site every 24 hours, detecting malware and notifying you about it before it causes problems. This means that your domain reputation is also protected through blacklist monitoring and malware scanning of your website, so you can have peace of mind that your domain name is safe and secure. 

What kind of notifications will I receive about my domain?
You decide what critical actions you want to be notified about, and we’ll send you SMS notifications to keep you updated. That way, you’ll know if there are any unauthorized attempts to purchase, re-register, or move your domain.
